The Premium Plan offers unlimited access for professionals and businesses needing maximum speed and full financial history.

What do you get with the Premium Plan?
Request Limit: 100,000 per month
Historical Data Access: unlimited
Processing Speed: up to 200 requests per minute

This plan is perfect for:
✅ Large enterprises and financial institutions
✅ Investors and analysts working with big data
✅ Developers and startups needing high-speed API access

Choose the Premium Plan and unlock the full potential of financial data!

Tariff plan specification
Historical data, days:historical_data_period max
Requests limit:request_limit 100000
Requests Speed limit:requests_speed_limit 200

Available APIs

Premium Plan

  • $100.00
  • $30.99

Tags: Premium Plan Benefits, 100, 000 requests per month, Unlimited access to historical data, Lightning-fast request processing